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Par de brincos em prata 925

Micro contas de lava 4mm

Medidas aproximadas: 1,3 cm de larg x 2 cm de alt

Sistema Pino e Tarraxa

Acabamento Polido

Acompanha 1 amostra de 1ml de de óleo essencial diluído em óleo de coco para usar na sua joia.

Escolha uma das opções: Mix de óleos essenciais cítricos para um auxílio revigorante. Mix para Equilíbrio que promove a sensação de calma e relaxamento. Lavanda auxilia na ansiedade, promovendo sensação de tranquilidade

Crescent Crescent Earrings P

  • Pair of 925 silver earrings

    Lava beads 4 mm in diameter for use with essential oils

    Pin and Dowel System

    Polished finish

    Drop a drop of your favorite essential oil on the beads and wait for it to absorb the oil before using

  • Waning, as the moon recedes and approaches its new phase, it begins to look smaller, it represents the end of a cycle, a moment of pause, interiorization, rest, in short, a good phase for recollection.

    In the same way that the Crescent moon encourages you to be more outgoing and outgoing in your actions, the waning moon should turn your mind to downsizing.

    Retreating and expanding, going through phases, changes, transformations inherent to everything and everyone.

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