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Rat tail chain 1.2mm in diameter and 70 cm long

Carabiner clasp

8mm diameter ceramic bead

925 silver bead, measures: 2.5cm in diameter x 1.2cm in height (approximate measurements)

Polished finish

Accompanies 1 sample of 1ml of essential oil diluted in coconut oil to use on your necklace.

Choose one of the options: Citrus bliss blend of citrus essential oils and invigorating vanilla bean extract. Balance blend of essential oils that promotes the feeling of balance, calm and relaxation. Lavender helps to combat stress, insomnia, wounds and skin burns and anxiety.

Yin Yang Mandala

  • Colar em prata 925

    Conta de lava  8mm de diâmetro para uso de óleos essenciais

    Acabamento polido

    Pingar uma gota de seu óleo essêncial preferido na conta de lava e aguardar ela absorver o óleo antes de usar

  • Ying and YangYin Yang is a principle of Chinese philosophy, where yin and yang are two opposite energies. Yin means darkness being represented by the black-painted side, and yang is light.

    The light, which is a luminous energy and presents itself in a very intense way, is the yang, and the very weak light is the yin. According to the Chinese, the world is composed of opposing forces and finding a balance between them is essential.

    Chinese philosophy is basically composed of energy, negative and positive. The two spheres within the symbol symbolize the idea that, whenever each force reaches its extreme point, an opposite feeling is manifested within itself.

    Meaning of Yin
    Yin is the passive, feminine, nocturnal, dark and cold principle. It is on the left side of the sphere, in black.

    Meaning of Yang
    Yang is the active principle, masculine, daytime, luminous and warm. It is represented by the right side of the sphere, in white.

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